Following the success of our recent webinar, Masters In Investigation, we were excited to announce a new online seminar, accessible to all federation and police colleagues free of charge.

During this insightful seminar we heard from esteemed speakers from the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) and other experts sharing their knowledge on crucial topics such as the PIP process, retention, recruitment, and a case study offering a comprehensive understanding of investigative procedures.

To watch back click on the REWATCH button below.

*the recording does not include the investigation into the death of Andrew Harper, due to its's sensitive nature.


Photo of Ben Hudson, PFEW National Detectives' Forum Chair

Ben Hudson

National Detectives' Forum Chair - PFEW

Mel Warnes

Acting Deputy National Secretary - PFEW

Sarah-Jayne Bray

Programme Manager - NPCC Recruitment, Retention and Wellbeing of Investigator Portfolio

Photo of Tim De Meyer, Chief Constable

Tim De Meyer

Chief Constable - Surrey Police

Pete Clarke

Detective Inspector - Thames Valley Police

Leona Roberts

Associate - DAC Beachcroft

Laura Corscadden

Detective Chief Inspector - Thames Valley Police

Photo of Paul Williams, PFEW Wellbeing Lead

Paul Williams

Wellbeing Lead - PFEW



Mel Warnes
Ben Hudson


Disclosure and redaction update

Tim De Meyer


Post Incident Procedure - when safeguarding and risk assessments go wrong!

Mel Warnes
Leona Roberts


Comfort break


Recruitment, retention and wellbeing of investigators

Sarah-Jayne Bray


Police Federation National Detectives Forum - update

Mel will feed in some results from the Pay and Moral survey and both will update plans for the group in the future.

Mel Warnes
Ben Hudson


Ask Twice campaign - introduction and aims

A brief update on our recently launched campaign Ask Twice.

Paul Williams


Lunch break


Lightning Talk - identifying, nurturing & recruiting future detectives

In this session, we have the privilege of hearing from the PFEW National Investigator of the Year 2023. This distinguished award highlights exceptional dedication, skill, and achievements in investigative work. DCI Corscadden will share insights into the critical role of encouraging and nurturing future detectives, an effort that ensures the continued excellence and evolution of investigative policing.

Laura Corscadden


Major Investigation - investigation into the death of Andrew Harper

Pete Clarke


Recap and close

Ben Hudson
Mel Warnes

Our detectives' seminar was free to attend for police officers and police staff.


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