PFEW’s triennial elections have launched and nominations are now open. This Election Café is aimed at officers who are considering standing for election as a Fed Rep. You can hear about the role, from officers who have done the job and this is an opportunity to learn about:

  1. What the role of a Fed Rep entails and why it’s important

  2. The value a Fed Rep brings to colleagues and the professional growth opportunities

  3. The process of nominating yourself

Learn more about how you can step forward and play a part in shaping the future of the Federation.

Your involvement matters.


Hayley Aley

Wellbeing Lead - PFEW

Jon Carter-Lang

Acting National Board Member and Leicestershire Branch Secretary & Treasurer


#FedElects 2024/2025 | Election Café

An informative Election Café to bring the role of a Fed Rep to life.

Watch the webinar back via the link